A Very English Christmas (I) (2023 TV Movie)
A low budget wonder
19 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, when I watched this, it was called A Very English Christmas, so I didn't know anything about this supposedly being in the Cotsworlds. That being said, the film was ok. However, the lack of budget definitely showed. The music overpowered the actors, the horrible floor walking noises during the ending scenes, and the stylist.....yikes! Someone must have hated the lead actress because that grayish vomit that they called a dress....didn't match anything in the wedding and it completely washed out her complexion.

I didn't hate this movie...because trust me, I've seen worse..eh hem, looking at you A Christmas Belle, but it follows the same cliches when it comes to Christmas weddings and/or events. Everything is magically done in two weeks or less. Like someone contacted their fairy godmother and had her waive a magic wand and POOF! Instant wedding! Completely unrealistic. One or both of the two leads have some tragic backstory...blah blah blah and the pity train has arrived.

The main guy is this movie seemed a bit bipolar to me. One minute he's rude, snarky, dark and brooding, and then the next he's "all caught up in feelings" because the female lead let him help her with the creative process. I will give the actor some credit though....he delivers a pretty nasty comment during his fight with the lead actress and it almost felt like he had gut punched me!

All in all, the acting wasn't too bad. If you're bored, you might find this movie a bit comical, but if you want something realistic...just pass.
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