Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
so many A-holes
20 December 2023
It's Thanksgiving in Plymouth, Massachusetts. More importantly, it's Black Friday in RightMart. A large crowd has gathered and waiting for the opening. Eric Newlon (Patrick Dempsey) is the Sheriff. Thomas Wright (Rick Hoffman) is the greedy store owner. His daughter Jessica Wright and her friends are allowed into the store before the opening. It starts a riot and people die in the ensuing chaos. It's a year later and nobody has been brought to justice. Thomas is doing another sale despite a feared repeat of the incident. A masked serial killer is on the loose.

This is an Eli Roth horror. There are so many A-hole characters. Then I remember that it's an Eli Roth horror. Of course, it's filled with A-hole characters. Here's the thing. This is actually not that bad despite some ridiculous ideas. First, Black Friday is no longer this anymore with all the internet shopping. I don't care about these characters. Their deaths mean very little to me. They are cannon fodder for the meat grinder. I do really like the oven and the dinner although her hair should be burnt off. As for the murder mystery, it's fine. I was hoping for someone else, but the reveal is not as surprising as Eli probably wants. There is plenty of gore and it's a good Eli Roth horror.
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