This is how to traumatize a person
21 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously. I get that this is about miracles, and we all go into a Hallmark Christmas movie expecting a happily ever after. But we also assume that the characters still believe that things could go wrong.

It's utterly appalling how Joy is set up for a potential lifetime of trauma. When Eric is dying in the hospital, Joy is told multiple times that she is the reason he is surviving and he might not make it through the night if she leaves. So if the miracle doesn't happen, Eric dies and Joy is now living with the crushing guilt of having somehow not saved him by sitting at his bedside? Way to go Hallmark.

The emotional manipulation is worse than usual in this one, and not just in that horrifying sequence. I've watched a couple of the Godwink movies and they are all pretty much in the same vein but this one was by far the worst.

I won't even get into the awful acting and writing because I'm still too angry at the horrible ending.

Don't waste your time.
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