The Challenge: Final Reckoning: The Affair (2018)
Season 32, Episode 4
Lots of Angry People
21 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know how this season went to such a dark, hateful side, but in my opinion, the most difficult one to watch with much compassion.

Melissa and Kailah got in a girl fight, both got kicked off. Melissa confronted players to get them to put hands on her, tried it with Kam in Vendettas, but Kam didn't fall for it. Kailah did.

Amanda, called the Spawn of Satan by other players was mean as a Tasmanian Devil, without boundaries or filters, the toxicity and hatred that spewed out of her mouth like a gatling gun made you despise her or feel pity for someone filled with so much anger. She had Zach as a partner, but "devil woman" couldn't see beyond her dog viciousness to realize she paired up with a final contender.

Shane, so full of spite and malice. He sabotaged this team, blasted others without mercy.

Kam portrayed herself as entitled, threatening, "Queen," better and stronger than all. Granted, she's a great athlete but missed an opportunity to use this public platform to exhibit simple confidence in her ability and pride in her achievements, but instead she did the finger wagging, eye rolling postures that put her down instead of built her up. In a later episode, she spoke of her heritage with humility and that would have been a plus.

DaVonne, ballistic, very angry person, just annoying.

Kayleigh, outed another girl's sexuality and didn't feel she had done anything wrong. There are boundaries that should never be crossed. Also, instead of speaking up, clearing the air, she let some rumors spread causing upheaval. Duplicitous? Maybe, there was reason why a group of girls dumped all her belonging over the second-floor banister in Vendettas!

Sylvia sort of hid behind her partner, quiet, not much to say, but after Marie learned she and Cara had been set for an elimination round, Marie confronted Sylvia, part of her alliance, Sylvia showed her true colors and head-butted Marie. She should have been sent home, but I guess head butts don't equate to hands on!

Several players, quietly lurked in the background, only surfaced to mouth off when they gained a little power. It's comical to watch sometimes.

Banana's down fall, he previously hooked up with Natalie from Big Brother. That should say it all. Big Brother alums align, wait for the opportune moment to stab others in the back. Big Brother alliances are too relevant in seasons. It's annoying that a group comes in already plotting the demise of others. It only comes to light more and more in future seasons with the added mix of Survivor.

Lavender Ladies. Big mistake. They should have broken up that catty group because they gained too much power.

Bigger mistake: Bringing Ashley and Hunter into game after it started and later Devin and Cory.

Biggest upset and best LAUGH! Zach refused to give in to Amanda's demands to put Bananas and Tony in elimination. If they couldn't agree, they had to enter battle. Without giving Amanda a third chance to change her mind, Zach simply walked down to the arena and waited for her. The look on Amanda's face, standing alone on the podium with her mouth open, was priceless! They ended up losing to Cory and Devin.

The finalist were surprises, Cara and Marie, Josh and Sylvia, and Ashley and Hunter. Cara and Marie never got it together, as much as Cara tried, Marie just couldn't get much of anything done well. Nothing new, but at least they tried to work it out. Josh and Sylvia, the only reason Sylvia made it to a final is because she had a strong, capable partner. Ashley and Hunter, were a sad toxic duo. Ashley took all the money and left Hunter with nothing after he won most of the challenges for her. Her excuse was he made threatening statements, true but they were in the heat of anger during conversation with others sharing how difficult it was to work with her. Her behavior throughout validated his concerns. That blindside was the worst and least deserving one in The Challenge history.
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