Miracle in Bethlehem, PA. (2023 TV Movie)
Miracle in Bedlam
23 December 2023
I was really looking forward to see this movie. I do have a predilection for Laura Vandervoort and Benjamin Ayres always portrays roles of a solid, wholesome man. I cherished the story of a single woman adopting a newborn, Natalie, just before Christmas, who gets constrained by bad weather in a town named Bethlehem and is offered shelter by a wonderful family. That they own an old barn transformed into a permanent Nativity scene seemed like the cherry on the cake of what could be the epitome of of Holiday values. Surely a Grand Finale for this year Hallmark Christmas productions. Overall, the plot unravels along the expected lines. Mary Ann is a refined, independent lawyer who was abandoned by her former husband, because unable to bear a child. Her gentle soul seeks completion in creating a family of her own, by adopting a baby girl. Joe is a burned-out ex rock star musician, turned into a mechanic, who is convinced by his kind sister to guest the stranded lady and child, since he has a guest room. Predictably, romantic feelings develop between the two, while the entire Joe's family warmly embrace her. So, everything peachy?

Actually, quite a few details mar the execution of the sweet plot. The would-be-affectionate Joe is a juvenile slob, who lives in a pigsty and treats girlfriends like disposable objects. Does this smell of commitment phobia? His look, possibly thought to appear rugged, definitely uncouth in my opinion, could not be more polar to her graceful, neat persona. When he plays: "This little light of mine" for the infant, poorly fingering his guitar and singing like a drunken donkey, one could hardly believe he could have ever been a popular musician. When I heard her comment that it was beautiful, I felt the urge to scream; 'For crying out loud, we have ears!'. Despite his hidden good nature, how she could rapidly find in him her Knight-in shiny- armor, especially after watching him dismiss his girlfriend like a patronizing heel? Would this be expected from a sensitive, intelligent woman who has all reasons to protect herself from being hurt again in her life?

Then, there is the newborn, who cries almost relentlessly, keeping mother and host sleep deprived and exhausted, yet making no single peep for lengthy hours when the family is involved in events. Then, how about an exhausted young woman who miraculously manages to transform a pigsty into a spotless model home, while tending the baby, solving the family's legal issues, flirting with the man, and sharing in social activities? Not by chance Laura Vandervoort played Supergirl in a preceding TV series! Also, we have to swallow the notion that an old barn, adhibited as a Nativity for 15 years, would unquestionably qualify for Historical Landmark status, which, by the way, is quite a stale gimmick, overused in TV movies. Yes, the family offers a warm loving background, perhaps a bit too sugary and superficial. In my book, only Amy Groening, his sister Frankie, is convincing as a kind, sunny soul.

In summary, a beautiful idea turned into an uneven show that fails to convince, let alone charm. A totally missed attempt to soar.
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