Pulpy, Messy, Campy, Surprisingly Okay
25 December 2023
Rebel Moon gives you a lot to chew on all at once. Is it a drama, an action-comedy, a sci-fi western? It's hard to tell, and you never really get a chance to get your bearings. As soon as the action starts, you're on a one way trip straight through this new universe Snyder has envisioned, and this vehicles does not stop.

It became clear to me not too far into the movie that I was going to have to adjust my expectations if I was going to enjoy it. A thoughtfully considered and painstakingly crafted story this is not. It's more like the pulp fiction daydream of a very excitable 14 year old geek. It's less of an entree and more of an appetizer platter. It'll fill you up, but it tastes a bit strange all mixed together on your plate.

That said, if you can temper your expectations with that in mind, and just enjoy the ride, Rebel Moon isn't all that bad. It has some pretty cool ideas, and the make-up work, costuming, and props are all pretty sleek, so there's plenty of eye candy in that regard. There are also some fabulous actors in the cast. They're talent is a bit hampered by the poor direction, but they're still great at what they do.

Overall, I think if you can take off your critic hat for a moment, turn off you brain, and don't take the film too seriously, you MIGHT just find yourself enjoying it.
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