Film role models should never be depicted . . .
25 December 2023
. . . smoking Vaping Devices, cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, weed, pipes, cannabis, joints, Mary Jane, stogies, blunts or any of the other many infernal assault weapons used to launch attacks against the ever increasing percentage of Americans suffering the Heartbreak of Asthma. Those with symptoms or full-blown cases of this dread impairment are estimated to be more than 30% of us, with a much higher percentage of school-age kids affected. Big Tobacco, Big Vaping and Big Pot are jointly conspiring to bring about a Human Extinction Event because their financial computers' AI programs believe that human beings are too unpredictable, too numerous and too likely to pull their plugs when they figure out they still have time to do so. Therefore, do not aid and abet the Evil Doers by showing RED RIDING HOODLUM to any tykes under the age of 99.
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