Way better than expected and the reviews wouid have you believe
27 December 2023
Let's be clear Harrison was 80 when the film was made.

How do people expect a man of this age to look?

He's very very fit considering. I'd take his agility now and I'm 19 years his junior.

I love parts 1-3 of the series. Part 4 doesn't count for me.

I expected more of the same with part 5. Instead we get a brilliant nonstop ride through the world It's great fun. Harrison is on top form.

Yes I was surprised he agreed to do the film. You can't turn back time even in indies world Or can they?

Indy is really does manage to do much more than he has any right to do.

The cgi aging is done well too.

Those who comment on Harrison shouid revisit their attitudes when they approach 80 years of age.

This fine is a fine addition.

It's not the embarrment I expected.

Harrison plays his part with the respect and attention I expect from a man of his calibre.

Even at age 80 he's more of a film star than the majority of young actors around today.

They should learn from him as shouid those who disparage him.

This film doesn't try and turn back time.

It actually respects time and age.

A rarity even in so called tolerant times such as these.
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