Taeter Burger (2023)
29 December 2023
Necrostorm promised us that Taeter Burger will be part of the beginning of a new era of Necrostorm movies... and they 100% delivered!

Let's get things clear - in order to understand the divisive ratings this movie has you have to know what you are getting yourself into watching a Necrostorm movie.

If you've ever seen any of their previous works you know that their main goal consists in creating crazy, over the top splatter movies with a retro charm.

If that's something you are interested in, absolutely give this movie a chance, since it's pretty much everything Necrostorm does best combined into a short and sweet, gore-fuled package full of grotesque sci-fi insanity.

The story is a ton of fun and moves very quickly.

With a runtime of just over an hour, no minute is wasted and you never get bored. (I enjoyed the structure and continuous buildup to an appropriately bloody climax. - it should also be said, that they even used this tale of cannibal dictatorship for some social commentary.) The quick pacing also results in some funny writing moments (for ex. The "expo-dump-android") that were necessary the keep the momentum of the movie going. They feel very intentional tho and make for fun, quotable moments instead of coming off as lazy.

The characters, especially the cartoonishly evil and disgusting ones, are a blast to watch and they even manage to make you somewhat care about the protagonists.

I also find it astounding how well the world building works considering the budget they were working with.

As expected, there is an abundance of incredible over the top splatter and gore effects.

They are very well paced, planted throughout the whole movie from beginning to end, and look phenomenal.

It should also be noted that the movie has a very unique look and feel.

I think it's fairly safe to say that Taeter Burger is the best Necrostorm movie to date.

You can really notice big improvements in pretty much all aspects of the movie: the look and picture quality, the editing, the acting, the fx....

I really enjoyed Taeter Burger and I really hope that all future Necrostorm releases will feature this level of quality.

All in all I can strongly recommend this movie to fans of Necrostorm and over the top splatter flicks in general.

I also believe that people who may not be the biggest fans of previous Necrostorm releases (maybe doe to the cheaper look of earlier movies etc..) can be won over by Taeter Burger due to the previously mentioned quality improvements.

A 10/10 for me since Taeter Burger pretty much covers everything you could want from a Necrostorm movie!
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