Review of Papier

Reacher: Papier (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
World's worst special forces and the world's strongest tie
29 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, it was not a bad episode. A bit slow, but things are moving, and there were some exciting moments. Again, however, there were some completely ridiculous moments that break the immersion and worsen the viewing experience.

Kliner's death seems a bit forced. Such a high profile murder is bound to bring heaps of unwanted attention to the counterfeiting operation. We'll see how they explain the reason behind it, but for now it just seems like it was done just for the twists.

We know by now that the Venezuelan hit men are (ex) special forces. Yet, somehow, they are utterly incompetent when doing surveillance and chasing their prey. And Roscoe, the "99th percentile in intelligence" girl wonder from the sticks, is somehow a superior fighter and marksman than the special forces operators. She can not only see them in what is supposed to be pitch black woods, but shoots them with pinpoint accuracy. She is also able to carry the injured girl for several kilometers, despite weighing not much more than her.

Reacher and Finlay follow the psycho redneck for hours upon hours, yet they have no patience to wait half an hour more and be sure that he is asleep, but go to inspect his truck the second he turns off the lights in his room. Why? So we can get some forced suspense, that amounts to nothing in the end.

Reacher can apparently convince a cop he has seen for the first time in his life to give the professor police protection, but do it pretty much illegally by "keeping it off the books". How? Well, they are both ex military. "Yo, buddy, I see by your shoelaces that you were in the army; so was I, so you must do whatever I ask you to do."

And finally, we have the backstreet fight, in which Reacher breaks the other guy's arm twice (because after the first time it healed miraculously and he felt no consequences) and then he strangles him with the world's strongest tie, that can withstand a Sasquatch like Reacher hanging from it without snapping.

I like this show and think that it is great fun, but it sure has its share of needlessly stupid moments.
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