Hitchcocks dark joke about small town hypocrisy.
30 December 2023
Satire or noir?

Mystery or drama?

Character study or social commentary?

Which one?

Actually Shadow of a doubt is all of these in Hitchcocks dark masterpiece This film is so dark, so clever, so subtle that we don't always realise it's dark.

Few films are as clever as this.

Few films are so heavy hitting without ever landing a punch Joseph Cotton is one of my favourite actors. His laid back natural style is perfect for this film.

Teresa is enthralling as we see her innocence transformed into weariness. She ages decades in days.

Uncle Charlie has contempt for the world. It's a joke to him.

Uncle Charlie has the last laugh.

Hitchcock has the last word.

One question remains for myself.

Is Shadow of of a doubt, hitchcocks cruelest joke of all?
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