trees are "useful"
31 December 2023
This movie is really about how trees are "useful" to people, as well as a hagiography to Weyerhauser. Far from being inspired by "The Overstory", it is almost devoid of either the science of trees, or the feelings people have as the great forests are being destroyed. Sure, lots of shots of miles of felled trees, but then we learn that hey, Weyerhauser has planted 2 billion trees. We even meet the ex-hippies that planted alot of them. What we don't learn is that by planting them as mono-crops, they are destroying what was once a diverse ecosystem, and merely delaying the inevitable environmental collapse and the soil gets depleted.

There is no spirit of investigation, of challenging power (so central to "The Overstory"), and for a film set in the Pacific Northwest, not a word about Native Americans!
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