Love it!
2 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Late but I was on Disney, searching for something to watch, when I stumbled upon this cartoon. I clicked on it, and on the first episode, my initial impressions were, 'Woah. I get it, but it seems too boring.', so I went off of it.

Fast forward to 29/12/23. I looked on Disney once more, as I had just finished watching The Owl House. I found this show again, and decided to look at the summaries of the episodes that Disney provides you with. Some episodes sounded interesting like Lolo in love. Keep in mind that I had only watched the first episode, so I had no idea who Lolo was.

I decided to watch the show because I was interested in how everything would work out. It was either the second or third episode where Ponzi was introduced, and I liked it. In the first episode, there wasn't much of an antagonist, just somebody who wanted to be against Billy, but now that somebody despised Spencer, it was suddenly more entertaining.

It isn't a copy of Danny Phantom, just because there's a ghost involved. DP has fighting scenes and an actual plot that goes somewhere. This show is more simple.

The only reason it isn't 10/10 is because the character designs, although they were okay, I just wasn't a fan of the teeth. It would've worked if they didn't show each tooth individually as a square, but rather collectively like in a rectangle.
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