Rab C. Nesbitt: Rab in Hoodie (2014)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
''I may be Robin Hood, but I'm also a robbing b*****d!''
2 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly may I wish all IMDb users a happy new year.

Season 10 of 'Rab C. Nesbitt' was by and large a disappointment. The ideas were more far fetched and less original than before, also the harshening of Mary's character did the show no favours. It just did not work. At the beginning of 2014, two and a bit years after the final series ended, Ian Pattison devised a one off special to round the show off. Despite some trepidation, I still tuned in and was relieved when the show returned to form. Rab was no longer trying to battle the drink, Mary was more like her old self and most importantly, Iain Robertson did not return as Gash. He simply was not suited to the role. Andrew Fairlie portrayed Gash as streetwise and tough. Iain Robertson's portrayal of Gash portrayed him as more of a wimp. He was not in the slightest bit believable as an ex-drug addict.

This special sees Rab and Mary attempting to fool the D. W. P that they are exempt from paying bedroom tax by claiming to use their spare bedroom as Rab's study area ( where he claims to study horse racing ), however the snooty council inspector is not fooled. Matters are made worse by the fact that Mary and Ella's cleaning company has finally dissolved and they are forced to rely on handouts from the local food bank. Desperate to help, and to pay for their granddaugher Peaches' school cruise trip as promised, Rab enlists the help of Jamesie and Andra to help him gain money. Donning hooded jackets, Rab names himself 'Rab In Hoodie' ( inspired of course by 'Robin Hood' ), with Jamesie and Andra acting as his merry men. Their thieving of course is not just for personal gain, they are doing it to help out the poor and under-paid, gaining them local support and favourable news coverage!

However, their luck does run out and the trio are eventually arrested by the arrogant Inspector Cromer ( who has been tailing them ), but not before making sure Peaches' achieves her boarding pass for the school cruise...

Yet again, it is nice to see Rab as the hero again, even if the gains are made by dishonest means, at least the intentions are honorable. Iain McColl sadly died the year before this special was made and so his character Dodie was written out again. Also, Cora Bissett did not return as barmaid Camille. Her place was taken by Sally Reid as the more surly Jeanette. The special was well received but did not lead on to a further series. Gregor Fisher later started work on his autobiograpy 'The Boy From Nowhere' and also went on to work on a remake of 'Whisky Galore'. Elaine C. Smith later moved onto the Simon Carlyle and Gregor Sharp scripted show 'Two Doors Down' alongside Alex Norton and Arabella Weir. The idea of a 'Rab C. Nesbitt' farewell tour was mooted but never came to pass for one reason or another ( though it could have been that around that time Gregor Fisher suffered a heart attack ). Brian Pettifer, who played Andra, went on to condemn the show, claiming that he never enjoyed working on the show and has never rewatched any repeats. ''Most people in England have never heard of 'Rab C. Nesbitt' he told the 'Daily Record'. Strange considering it was a national show and proved every bit as popular outside of Scotland as it did in. Believe it or not, more recently it has even been screened over in America. Johnny Depp became such a fan he drew inspiration from the character to master his Scottish accent for playing the Mad Hatter in the 2009 remake of 'Alice In Wonderland'!

With the ease in which people get offended in this day and age, it will be unlikely that any further shows of 'Rab' will be made. Though it has been repeated uncut on That's TV recently and has also appeared on streaming platform Britbox, albeit each episode prefaced with a warning disclaimer.

Funniest bit - before being subdued by the police, Rab turns to the camera and says: ''I should say something along the lines of ''It's a far better thing I do now than I've ever done before!'' but sometimes words just don't say enough!'', afterwards he delivers a swift head butt to the snidey Inspector Cromer. Serves the git right!

Second funniest bit - Jamesie and Rab in their jail cell trying to burrow their way out by digging the floor up with spoons. The floor eventually gives way and the two sink out of sight. Unfortunately, their cell is situated above the sewage disposal tank!
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