Welcome Back, Kotter: There Goes Number 5 (1977)
Season 2, Episode 19
Didn't like dramatic Horshack
3 January 2024
Loved the show back when it first came out. Well, most of the episodes with Travolta as Vinnie. The show was different, funny, and us schoolkids could relate to the situations.

This brings me to There Goes Number 5. They may have well called it There Goes Horshack. Back then a lot of us didn't know that they were trying to give Horshack his own series. He was quite popular on Kotter, but I liked the Sweathogs as a group, not a solo act. Horshack worked very well amongst his peers and teacher in the school setting.

With the previous episode it became obvious that they were trying to make Arnold act more dramatic. I wasn't buying it. I always thought Horshack should stay within the confines of his character and not go bursting with over the top angst unless it was a joke. Some may call it character development, I call it overkill. Keep what works. And don't break up a perfect set and go with a single. The producers found out soon enough that a Horshack spinoff wouldn't work out. I could obviously see why. It just wasn't funny.
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