I Love Lucy: L.A. at Last! (1955)
Season 4, Episode 16
Silly Crazy Overdone but there were 2 different Eve Arden scenes-versions shot!
3 January 2024
YES there were 2 - TWO!!! - different Eve Arden scenes shot (2 different versions) for Eve Arden eating in the next booth at the Brown Derby on TV a long time ago: the one I saw several years ago with her standing up out of the booth in a somewhat annoyed flustered disgusted mood & with some brief head turning in her wide-brim black hat & outfit & making a great (but un-remembered by me) classic snide Eve Arden comment she proceeded to walk past Lucy's-Mertz's booth & grandly walk out of the Brown Derby restaurant! That Eve Arden scene-version nowadays is gone-lost seldom if ever shown on TV any longer which I think logically occurred just before the crazy silly William Holden scene everyone loves!

  • New latest REVELATION on missing Eve Arden scene-version just came to my older mind: the Desilu studio authorities in charge must have just simply CUT-DELETED IT after its earlier years showing on TV. It was probably there all along as part the original show filming but suddenly got omitted or deleted to save time-space or whatever reason. You can see in the newer permanent TV version some very brief odd strange camera shots of Eve Arden's empty booth in the Brown Derby with suddenly mysteriously no sign of Eve anywhere ... so they must have sneakily cut-out poor Eve Arden's departure scene entirely out without a trace except perhaps for the strange empty camera shots of the empty booth where Eve & her friends previously sat. Yeah I thought it was quite sneaky of those I Love Lucy show editors but probably no one else remembers it anyway to my dismay!?!?
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