Rebel Moon isn't very good!
4 January 2024
I was generally optimistic about this movie. The whole premise and pitch had me really hoping it would be good, and even after the fact I see potential of what it could have been but that slowly goes out of the window. I just think it was all executed poorly, like there's so much to take from this movie and tear apart.

There was like nothing 'good' about this movie. Maybe others found something to like about this movie but man I really slogged through this movie

As I said there was at the start some potential. For instance the idea of a farming community on a moon, I absolutly loved that. But once the cartoonish villains showed up and our heroes went elsewhere it was all paint by numbers by that point.

Its needlessly aggressive, comically so. The villains are so cartoonish its almost funny if the movie wasnt taking itself so serious in doing so. Trying to be an adult Star Wars is fine but the way Snyder went about it was just so weak, like everyone is miserable, everything is dark and gritty, oh and there is a uncomfortable scene of a woman and a bunch of men that just felt uncomfortable, (the word I cannot use cos I think it will get the review declined).... like really?

The characters, are forgettable, and just boring, the cinematography is this wishy washy brown that every 'dark' adult, gritty movie has got to have now, it lacks identity. It feels very dated in some aspects and while it seems to pay homage to alot of 80's sci-fi it does little to be original by its own merits. It doesn't help when the writing just tends to flip flop all over the place with no direction, which is ironic since the writing and direction are the same person.

Oh and the slow-mo, good god the slow-mo too, way too much slow mo (Yea I know, a Snyder movie with slow-mo, shock and awe )

The story was just a collect 'em all movie. Go here, get this, go here, collect that, go here, collect this. Like nothing had a chance to breathe, a planet got destroyed and I am like 'meh' am I supposed to care? Our heroes didn't even care, they didn't even know I don't think? This movie is so bad it is literally leaving my subconscious right now I am struggling to remember parts.

This movie wanted to be something I have craved for a long time, 'original sci-fi fantasy'. It delivers the sci-fi fantasy but very little on the originality. And that's sad. I really hope a movie like this doesn't deter movie makers from creating original pieces of fantasy franchises. Because in an era where everything is remakes and reimagining's and extended universes I want something like Rebel Moon, just Rebel Moon wasnt it.

It was not very comfortable viewing overall. And it was good this was on Netflix I had time to groan loudly in pain as this movie dragged for 2 hours that I would never get back, and stretch my legs and take a 5 minute break half way. I will be honest if this was on the cinema I probably would have never went to see it at all. I saw it only because I was curious, and also hopeful because I wanted this to be good.

I will assume this show is going to have a audience and it will be one of those growing audiences over time maybe, but this wasnt what I hoped for and thats just sad.
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