Historically important, but oh so full of itself.
5 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Not as well put together as "Target For Today", this streamlined variation of the more polished, twice as long "TFT" feels forced and is less entertaining and educational because much of it feels scripted and acted rather than "just being". It's the same premise, but I'm glad that I watched "Target For Today" first because it explained things going on in this film that were lightly dealt with or completely overlooked.

A bombing sequence which should have been the frosting on this cake proclaiming "why we fight" ends up being like anything you'd see in one of the many war films made at this time, and filmed from eye ground level loses the spontaneity of what a real bombing would look like. At under 50 minutes, it's passable, but a let down that would have been greater if I didn't get better insight from the other film.
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