Quarantine is no joke!
6 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Who would have thought that playing God and genetically engineering telepathic humans would have negative consequences?

Sometimes technobabble is no problem to me ---- this is especially true when LaForge is the one who is saying it ---- he has some charisma superpower that makes me want to believe him. When miles was explaining what they needed to do to the transport, I was like, "What are you talking about miles? You stand behind this station and push up on the transport stick....."

You know, I haven't had much luck with Doctors (but I love nurses). I live in a country with universal healthcare and I have been feeling horrible for a few years and whenever I visit a doctor and attempt to figure out what's wrong with me, I find that they look at me like an $80.00 dollar slab of meat and shove me out the door within 5 minutes to get some tests done. Dr Pulaski is not that type of doctor, she fights hard for her patients. I would have sent Data down to the planet with a medical tricorder but that's that just me.

This was alright ---- Good character work with Pulaski and Picard.
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