Was this a Weyerhauser PR film?
6 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Ultimately, not sure what this film was actually about. At the outset, it implied that it was all about trees. Okay. But although each segment did have something to do with trees, it often wandered off into people's personal stories that had only superficial relevance to trees. In addition, many of the segments seemed to circle back to things to do with Weyerhauser. Yes there were some segments that didn't, but those seemed to be included as "window dressing" to lure the viewer into watching the segments that were related to Weyerhauser. All in all, this "documentary" seemed very disjointed and lacked focus. I found myself asking "who cares" and "relevance?" about big segments of this film. If you love nature, the environment and trees, you won't find a lot here actually addressing that in any meaningful way as it meandered off into pointless "personal" stories that were largely off topic. Very disappointing and confusing. I gave it 3 stars because some of the photography was beautiful.
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