One of the worst films ever
6 January 2024
I cant believe I watched this all the way through. Terrible acting, with a terrible script.

There are so many things wrong with this film, here are just a few of them.

I would be interested to know how many times they used the word 'Mum' in the film.

The mother is apparently suffering from dementia, well she definitely cant remember if she should have a bandage on her hand or not in different scenes.

Who on earth, has a green fire exit sign above the door in their house?

How do we make it look like they are in an antiques shop? We'll stick a sign on the wall inside saying antiques.

At one point they say "what shall we do tomorrow?" My first thought was get some acting lessons!

Unbelievably, I see they've made a sequel, I definitely wont be watching that.
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