Round and Round (2023 TV Movie)
Seer of Seers...
7 January 2024
8.4 stars.

Sage of Sages, Prognosticator of Prognosticators...

This is a wonderful movie about a woman in a time loop who must learn a life lesson before she can escape. We've all seen a movie or two like this, based on the original 'Groundhog Day' from the early 90's, and I feel 'Round and Round' follows that blueprint more closely than most others, but with a twist. And of course there has to be a twist, we can't have too many similarities. This one is different in that there is more control (you'll see) and it's not about Groundhog Day, but about Hanukkah and Jewish families and nerds and science fiction and oh so fun. This is a most wonderful rendition that Hallmark has concocted, I am blown away. It needs no explanation, it's a "reliving the same day over" theme, what else do you need to have an entertaining evening? But how it's presented is masterful. Nothing will compare with the original Bill Murray film, which I saw in the theater, and that says more about my age than I'd like, but I laughed more with it than any movie before, or since. 'Round and Round' is not as hilarious, but it's so clever.
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