Blue Beetle (2023)
Thank God the DCEU is ending
9 January 2024
Blue Beetle's story is generic, the script is painfully formulaic, and it fails to make you feel anything. The film lacks any sort of style and you can tell this was originally made to go straight to streaming until they made it a theatrical release for some reason. The acting isn't very good most of the time, the humor falls flat, the emotional scenes don't hit, and the editing is horrendous. There are some shots where the Blue Beetle suit looks cool but for the most part the visual effects are ugly to look at. The villains are just over the top comically evil and the film has no idea how to deliver exposition. The action isn't memorable and neither is the score. The final battle is one of the weakest and most predictable final battles in a superhero movie. The sets look fake and the world building is mediocre. Characters also do things that make no logical sense multiple times just because the plot needs them to. The tone is also all over the place and the pacing never lets you catch your breath. There's nothing in this movie that hasn't been done before and done much much better. 3/10.
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