Super sentimental, I'm a fan of this one.
9 January 2024
Sarah refuses to believe UNIT agent Colonel Karim, when she arrives with news that The Doctor has died, she, Clyde and Rani travel to The Funeral, Sarah refuses to believe that he's dead.

This show always worked best when there was a bit of added Doctor Who moments, and there are plenty of those here.

For an old fan of the classic run like me, it was gloriously sentimental, but there's a pretty good story behind it too.

The Shansheith were a great design, one of the show's better aliens, expertly voiced too.

I rather liked Laila Rouass in this, Colonel Karim was a great character, she's fierce.

How utterly magical to see Katy Manning back as Jo Grant, how lovely to see two of the show's greatest companions meeting, it happens all the time now, but back in the day, it just didn't happen.

I loved that Jo mentioned a visit to Karfel, that picture of The Doctor and Jo in Timelash made absolutely no sense, this was a nice touch.

That music really is super soothing too.

This one is up there with 'whatever happened to Sarah Jane,' it's a great start.

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