Everyone's A Liar
10 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm giving this series an 8 not because it's actually that good from a storytelling or filming POV but b/c it's "can't look away" tv. It's like a slightly more cerebral Jerry Springer show that goes on and on but is endlessly fascinating. Literally, almost NO ONE in this story is sympathetic and it seems clear that almost EVERYONE is lying or just a fantabulist.

To those who think Natalia is an abused, disabled person - I do believe she was abused. She is clearly disabled. But, so sorry - abused disabled people can still be liars and sociopaths. Virtually everyone who encountered her either wanted nothing to do with her after a short period of time and/or seems to be making up stories about how sweet she is (and that's only a few people) for the cameras or (like the Mans family) because they are possibly looking for a payday through civil suits down the way. The way she denies doing/saying things that numerous people have claimed (including many people with no reason to lie), then when confronted with other witnesses starts fake crying and deflecting was super suspect. And, yes - fake crying. She makes the motions of crying throughout this series but there are no tears. It's just weird.

Then, the Mans' as her new adoptive family - who claim she's the sweetest kid - but seem to get flustered when it's pointed out that they tried to dump her at a hospital too when she attacked their other kids. "No; I never said that; someone (like her former adoptive mom who had no reason to even know she was in a hospital until contacted) must have made that up." Hmmmm.

The Mans family is just odd. I'm really hoping they aren't con artists but there is something just off about them. And, no - it's not because they have a bunch of other adoptive children. It's mostly because they seem to be dissembling every step of the way. (Also, I have no problem with people who are deeply religious but chasing someone down the street saying they need to find God is an immediate "weirdo alert" in my book).

I won't repeat everything other posters have to say about Michael Barnett except to wholeheartedly agree that he's a histrionic buffoon. He seems completely unreliable about virtually every single thing he says. "Nuff said.

The so-called "legal expert" in the show was almost as insufferable as Michael. For one thing, I'm a lawyer but I don't know what a "legal expert" is. Is she a lawyer? Is she an LLM? A professor? I've never heard of someone who's a "legal expert" who isn't a lawyer. But, the one thing I do know is that she's trying to style herself as some kind of non-lawyer expert on the law and she gets an awful lot wrong about it but is also clearly an advocate for Natalia. That's all fine but don't try to say you're some unbiased "expert." Just say you're an advocate for disabled kids/adults. Whatever she was, she had FAR too much screen time and added nothing to the overall story.

The only people I could stand in this series were Michael Barnett's attorney who seemed super competent and had his head on straight and Jacob, the Barnett's son, who seemed to be as truly abused in his household as Natalia claimed to be.

Of course, the wild card is Christine Barnett. Wisely, she decided to steer clear of this train wreck which says something for her judgment. There is clear and documented evidence of questionable behavior on her part in the past but since we don't know her side of the story from her own lips, I reserve judgment on her.

I'm sure there'll be more to this story which is clear just from the very last scene alone. Despite the tabloid aspect of it, I'll still be watching.
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