Fargo: The Useless Hand (2024)
Season 5, Episode 9
This show used to be great
11 January 2024
Seasons 1 and 2 of Fargo were unlike anything we'd ever seen before... it was new and refreshing, odd and pleasing. And, although weaker, season 3 did some amazing things as well... some very amazing things.

Since then, it's been lazy/typical Hollywood hogwash - mainly because the show's creators couldn't stop themselves from injecting that which kills all things in entertainment: their soggy social and political beliefs... all while piling-on the unneccesary: increasingly deranged and unmotivated violence.

They won their audience over with high-end craftsmanship, then they rested on their laurels thinking they can do no wrong.

Instead of fighting to keep their audience interested, they lecture and misrepresent the members of the audience that they loathe.

They are no longer entertainers, but self-appointed lecturers... the court jesters think they are the wise counselors... they think they can ridicule the very people who who gave them success, and then they wonder why the audience always abandons them.

This is exactly what happens when a show creator or entertainer thinks he is more important than his audience.
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