This just doesn't work
11 January 2024
Aaron does about a good a job as he can with this mess of a movie and it's still not enough to save it from sinking. For one thing, Nina doesn't fit in this at all, and she has zero chemistry with Aaron. The fight scenes are terrible, camera work is poor and the entire story doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

The process of using everyday blue collar jobs as background character hit men is getting old. It doesn't add anything to the movie, nobody cares if we have 4 minutes of screen time with a character doing mason work, or tending to bees or what have you. Save those 4 minutes of background and use it on a flash back or training or something.

This is just a simple story, and as others have said it's more of a Turdlayer than anything else. Low effort film from the same guy who produced Cutthroat Island paired with a 1st time writer. How is anyone surprised that this isn't anything more than a 1star film?
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