Practicing Massive Aggression
12 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of my favorite episodes as we explore Stede and Blackbeard's newfound collaboration to teach each other what they know best. We get to see Stede, Blackbeard, Frenchie, and Oluwande attend an aristocrat party where the craziness explodes. The dialogue is witty and pulls the viewer into some of the funniest scenes to date. The episode switches between scenes on the Revenge where Lucius and Izzy are having a power struggle to the party where Jeff the Accountant dazzles the aristocrats with his vivid stories, music, and dancing. Frenchie and Oluwande's con game taking place during the party adds to the bedlam on board. The ending scene in the moonlight is the first realization by both pirates that they are feeling something for each other during the often quoted "you wear fine things well" moment. Taika's acting continues to impress as he shifts from different moods and layers of his character development. Another nod this episode goes to the costumes, makeup and set designs. Every detail is perfection.
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