Echo: Chafa (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
Messy first 30 minutes, must watch Hawkeye before you watch this
12 January 2024
Creators behind this show kept saying "you don't need to watch anything before this to know what's going on" or whatever, but that's baloney, this thing is a mess without watching Hawkeye, the first 30 minutes alone just feels like a complete recap off of Hawkeye.

The action is fun & worth while & adding new additions, but if this thing was going to regurgitate used scenes from the tv show Hawkeye I would highly just recommend watching Hawkeye. Because even I was confused watching this show in the first 30 minutes.

Good writing should be embedded as the story continues, I'm sure there was a much better way at doing this first episode than to just cram in so much scenes we already seen before & just adding new ones. It kind of feels lazy, all they needed to do was start it off when echo is injured and riding that bike, boom that's how you start this show, but no...

Anyways, that's my huge nit pick with this pilot, it shouldn't have done that, as the show FINALLY begins, we get a solid story here.
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