Ignored facts and a lot of speculation. Debunker hitjob.
12 January 2024
This is just one big sceptic documentary.

The host has already made up his mind. He focuses on a couple of things and ignores a huge amount of data.

Example, the Montana Missile silos. He only talks about one site and never talks about all other sites. Says Bob Salas' memory might be failing after all these years. Says the flight computers rebooted which could have made the missile shutdown. What he didn't say is that the missiles are not serial connected. So if one reboots and shuts down, the rest shouldn't. Yet they did.

And it's not just Malmstrom AFB, ALL nuclear (military) sites have had encounters!

Robert Hastings wrote book about it. He investigated and collected everything Nuclear and UFO related and found a rock solid pattern.

Then they start explaining the UFO away as a Barium cloud. But of course they 'forgot' to mention that the UFO came up close and personal. It wasn't a far away lichtshow anymore. It was right there. It came to them and stopped above them.

This is just 1 example. This is how all his debunking in this goes. Takes a couple of useful facts, twists the wordings a little and conveniently leaves out truckloads of corroborating evidence.

This is no investigation into the UFO phenomena. This is a debunking show. Or hitjob.

Debunkers probably like it.

Anyone who has actual knowledge about UFO sightings sees right through this.

It's sad really. Don't bother watching. The title is enticing and speaks to us (UFO community) but it's a trick title. It's should be called The Great Debunk show or something like that.

Oh and of course the fact that Nick West is in here should keep you away. He does his old tricks but conveniently forgets to mention that the actual manufacturers of the used hardware later explained how his facts were off.

This is a debunking show.

And a hit job.

Not worth your time but feel free to watch it of course. I made I halfway and shut it down, leaving a thumb down on Tubi.

UFOs are real. And yes, 95% of sightings are explainable. Mundane objects or what have you. I don't care about those. I care about the 5%.

UFOs are here, and have been for a long time. What it is and where it's from is unknown. As are the occupants. But we'll get there and the debunkers will have to scratch themselves behind the ears. And find a new hobby.
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