The truth is out there! And this documentary reveals it
13 January 2024
Unfortunately, this documentary (and it's an actual documentary, unlike the 100% of UFO "documentaries" you'll find on Netflix and the "History" channel) will be seen by very few people because it dares to do something in the early-mid 2020s that (hi, future historians) is frowned upon: tell the truth and bring receipts to the truth without stirring up magical thinking in order to do it.

Why is there a sudden surge in UFO/UAP sightings? Why is Congress investigating? What is happening that is driving all of this? In short, con-artists and news media willing to sell their ethics for a few dollars in order to promote stories they know will draw people in while they think it's fine because it's harmless, right?

Except we know selling magical thinking to people isn't harmless. It drives them to believe more fantastical things until they no longer believe in real things. They seem to question everything EXCEPT the active con game being run on them.
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