Suspense, horror and a little comedy
13 January 2024
I really enjoyed watching this movie, it's a horror movie, but it doesn't take itself too seriously. It indulges a lot in comedy (sometimes dark comedy) and it's packed with references that I'm sure horror movie fans will notice. At the same time it makes a harsh criticism on the modern culture of "life coaching" and such, showing how sectarian and absurd it can be, and makes a commentary on social expectations on manhood, womanhood and parenthood. Particularly remarkable is the acting of the lead actress which is what makes everything else more believable. The way she can convey so much emotion with a single look or facial expression is notable, and I hope to see her in more movies in the future. The ending is left open, that's something that may be dissaponting for people who like clear endings and explanations, but I liked it that way. It has room for different interpretations. Over all it's an enjoyable movie, a light horror comedy, and a nice example of Argentine independent cinema. I hope to see more from this director in the future too.
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