14 January 2024
Before diving in.... FIRST: Let us FOCUS on the Title´s Content and Context:

Expectations you have going into a film have a tremendous influence, as you no doubt have experienced, on your take away after viewing!

Other than a couple general comments, only God knows their origin, that The Little Prince was really "worth it", I did not have much in the way of any well-defined expectations. Lucky Me! RESULT: A Nine *Star* experience!

Although my wife, Carmen, was the only person accompanying me, soon after initiating viewing, I imagined our grandchildren and daughters in the room, sharing the experience with us! My granddaughter, as is the case with most eight year old girls, loves anything involving a princess! If you have grandkids, you must watch this with them. If thousands of kilometers separate you...Use your imagination, as I did!

The LITTLE PRINCE seems tailor made for Grandparents/Grandkids viewing... a la "UP" ?

There are a few comments that need to be made regarding Little Prince "Purists"...But let's first focus on analysis.

This 2015 French version has European Production written all over it...But in the best sense. It is artistic, tells a touching and delicate story, has a number of songs in French that manage to be uplifting and, yet, simultaneously haunting, and, perhaps most importantly, interweaves the Classic 1950's Original storyline with a cautionary helicopter parent tale that both compliments and underscores said original!

Obviously, one of the great ironies of this 2015 version is that the old man/pilot takes it upon himself to help the Little Girl learn just what it is to be a kid! At the heart of both storylines is that one of the most important things in life is keeping that spark of being a kid alive within us... even if we live to be 100!

Earlier, I mentioned Little Prince purists...Well, whenever a movie brings a classic literary work to the screen, there are always viewers who want to see the original literary work brought to the screen with absolutely no changes, whatsoever to dialogue or storyline! Forget that we are dealing with the now one century old, two different medium conundrum! Needless to say, many PURISTS simply could not get past this point. Obviously, this was absolutely no problem at all for me! To the contrary, it seemed quite a plus!

PLEASE Don't Miss THE LITTLE PRINCE! And make it a family affair! (However, kids under 7 or 8 might find Prince a bit "Slow", or might not "Get It"!)

Any comments or questions, in ENGLISH o en ESPAÑOL, are most welcome!

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