Self Reliance (2023)
So much missed potential....
15 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What a unique premise! I had such high hopes going in to this. Here's the ONE thing it was missing that could have made it an amazing movie....

A twist.

You THINK there's a twist coming. Hell, I would have bet money there was a twist coming. Here is a list of cool twists....

1. Anna Kendrick is a killer not a contestant.

2. The homeless dude is a killer not a contestant.

3. (My favorite) There's no game at all and the protagonist really is as delusional as everyone around him thinks. Hell, when he's at the warehouse at the end screaming into the darkness about how he won, where's his money, I thought, "Holy crap, they did it, there is no game, holy crap, this is amazing."

Granted, that would have made it a pretty dark movie, but hell, dark is better than what it was. Useless. No surprises. And, the surprises were, what? Weird foreign money paid out over 250 years or something like that?

This movie just fell absolutely and totally flat, and it's a shame, because it could have gone in many, much better directions. I would have preferred him to wake up in a mental hospital than end the way it did.

Ugh. SO SO disappointed.
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