Mean Girls (2024)
Just Watch the Original
15 January 2024
This film failed to justify its own existence. This remake keeps a lot of jokes from the original movie but doesn't execute them as well. The film also gets rid a lot of the original film's funniest jokes. It seems like most of the jokes they removed were the ones that could be seen as controversial or offensive but that's the whole point. The characters are supposed to be dumb and mean so removing those jokes hurts the characterization. There are a couple new jokes that hit but not enough. The cast here is simply not as good as the original, especially when it comes to Regina George. Renee Rapp is fine but she's no Rachel McAdams. Her version of the iconic character is nowhere near as interesting or memorable. The film feels like is rushes through the story unlike the original movie which had excellent pacing and a tight script. This could be due to the musical numbers which I normally wouldn't mind but the music here isn't anything special. The costumes here aren't very good. They seem cheap and it doesn't feel like the plastics would wear these outfits. The original Mean Girls is so good and the general story still follows over here so there's a little fun to be had, but the film falls completely flat in every aspect when compared to the original masterpiece. I don't know why they don't just make a true sequel to the original film already because that's what people actually want to see. 5/10.
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