One of the best Filipino horror
16 January 2024
As someone who is Filipino and deeply likes really horror genre, I seldom like Filipino horror films because of prosthetics, unnecessary sci-fi-looking animated effects, predictable storylines, and dozens of loopholes. This film is quite the opposite and the very first time I became proud of a Filipino Film.

Most Filipinos are Catholics and really into holy figurines so you will expect a lot of raised eyebrows and biased criticism about it.

The one big factor of this film has, why is it a good horror film is after you watch it will still make you think about it, the story and the scenes will keep hunting you. Another thing is this film doesn't rely on cheesy jump scares or gore. Getting you surprised is not horror, getting you disgusted is not horror. Real Horror is you scared of something you dont understand, that something that doesn't make any sense scares you. The thing you imagine whenever you feel the creeps at night and this film very much understands it. A joke will lose its potency when you are explaining why it's funny, this is very similar to horror, if you explain things too much it will lose its potency. The film did not try to explain itself to scare you just like how your nightmare works.in real life.
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