The Andy Griffith Show: Dinner at Eight (1967)
Season 7, Episode 17
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17 January 2024
We've seen Aunt Bee reluctantly leave a couple of times. This one is different. Opie will be out too for a Boy Scout's camping trip. This setup is perfect for Andy's reprise from his usual existence into a short and, much anticipated, couple days as a bachelor. We really do not know Andy like this and a chance meeting with Howard Sprague kind of sets the tone. Andy's shopping list, as recited to Howard, signals a bit of a nutty detour from his usual. Andy's excitement kind of bleeds into the viewer. Yes, we want to see Andy's wild side.

Of course, Aunt Bee can never just leave. Andy being by himself horrifies her and when she gases up at Wally's she urges Goober to look in on Andy. In true Goober style he takes it to much more than looking in. He's going to move in, cook, and be Andy's insurance against feeling lonely. Dinner made by Goober along with Goober's confusion over phone messages for Andy sets up a great gag.

This is one of the best color episodes and, for once, Barney isn't missed at all. The joke revolves around having to eat three dinners and because of the "secret ingredient" and Helen's pointedly angry instruction to eat, combined with Opie's recitation of Andy's previous speech, there's real golden humor here. Also, as is Aunt Bee's motherly ways the first thing she does when she gets back is to cook a certain dish. Thoroughly enjoyable with some tucked in wicked good reoccurring humorous elements.
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