19 January 2024
It's tragic what happened to this young lady, her mother definitely abused her and her trust. That being said, she IS a murderer and a manipulator and used that horny, slow boy as a weapon. Now he's serving life and she's making a show about getting married to some Easter-egg of a human? Let's not forget, this guy is the exact same as those sad women who write fan mail to serial killers.

I watched the entire series just to see if there was anything new they would convey. If you're wondering, there's not. It's 6 episodes of "I killed my mother, BUT.." the whole thing puts me in mind of the self-serving Casey Anthony "special" that came out a few years ago. It's a desperate attempt to hold on to the fleeting 15 minutes for a despicable act.

This girl was abused, no argument. But rather than go to the authorities or any number of people on the planet, she chose to USE some rando in the internet to do her dirty work. The only reason the prosecutor cut her the deal is because they knew when she got in the stand and boo-hooed in her little girl voice the jury might have found her not guilty so they figured some prison is better than no prison.

In reality, she deserves to spend her life behind bars, not getting married and doing book signings. Does this little killer realize she's not "free"? She's on PAROLE!
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