A Polish folk horror set in 19th century Lithuania -- not another one, I hear you say.
19 January 2024
Lokis sees a pastor, Professor Wittembach (Edmund Fetting), travelling to the country home of Count Michal Szemiot (Józef Duriasz), whose library contains many rare books of great interest. One of the books tells of how, shortly after her marriage, the Count's mother was carried away by a wild bear. After she was rescued by a hunter, she found out that she was pregnant but became convinced that the baby wasn't completely human. Is the Count a Lokis, the half human spawn of the bear that attacked his mother?

Beautiful cinematography and impressive camerawork make Lokis a feast for the eyes, but the film takes a long time to go nowhere and it doesn't always make sense, with quite a few seemingly pointless scenes. As a horror, it is severely lacking in chills and scares, and the ending is frustratingly abrupt and ambiguous: is the Count really a were-bear or is he just barking mad like his mother?

3/10 -- Too slow and strange with not enough horror for my liking.
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