Wing chun afficianados, rejoice!!!
20 January 2024
This is one of those rare gems that celebrates the true beauty and power of Wing Chun, one of the most effective and elegant martial arts technique in the world. It is a must-watch for any fan of kung-fu cinema.

Just loved the way the movie started with Leung Chang, a spoiled rich kid safe within his bubble, who thinks he is a great kung fu fighter, but learns the hard way that he has been deceived by his father and his opponents.

He meets Leung Yee-tai, a master of Wing Chun and a cross-dressing opera performer, who reluctantly agrees to teach him the true art of wing chun. Along the way, he also befriends Wong Wah-bo, another Wing Chun master, who helps him train and improve his skills.

This movie is a real tribute to the legendary Wing Chun style and its historical figures. It features some of the most realistic and stunning fight scenes ever filmed, as well as the touching friendship between the master and his student. It demonstrated the principles and techniques of Wing Chun, such as the centerline theory, the chain punches, the chi sao (sticky hands), the wooden dummy, and the butterfly swords. If you are a lover of wing-chun or any kung fu style, you MUST watch this!!!!
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