Pride surges through you
20 January 2024
You cannot watch this documentary without feeling the sense of pride and accomplishment that was well ahead of its time and something we can never match. My father was one of the engineers that designed and built the J1 engines that powered this program. Needless to say my entries family was brought up loving this story, I wish they could have gone into the detail that I and those directly involved with it all know. I hope that the world will be able to learn and enjoy the depth and the magnitude of the engineering marvel and accomplishment that was achieved with this magnificent series of events. The success, tragedy, and resolve of the vast teams of people that were involved in this achievement cannot be overemphasized. Co soldering what they achieved with the computing and tearing resources, along with the materials and technology available at the time is incomprehensible. It is hard to even fathom what was achieved at that time. We continually joke to say that if we tried to achieve this today with what we have available today, we would fail miserably. Not because of the ability and knowledge of the engineering community today, but because of the beauracracy and red tape that would choke the program to death. I salute the bravery and determination of the people involved in making this all happen in the timeframe that they did.
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