Silly but entertaining.
21 January 2024
The film, undeniably entertaining, offers a two-hour escape into amusement, despite the occasional inclusion of seemingly illogical scenes. To fully relish this cinematic experience, viewers are encouraged to momentarily set aside the pursuit of logic and embrace the light-hearted fun it promises. The lead actor delivers a commendable performance, complemented by the sheer beauty of the heroine. However, the portrayal of the hero's father tends to verge on the excessive, while Srikanth Ayyangar's role, though fitting, remains relatively inconsequential.

Adi and Brahmaji's second foray into comedy proves noteworthy. Sampath's impeccable comic timing further enhances the comedic elements. The songs, with the exception of one, can be easily overlooked, while the energetic dance sequences by the heroine remain a consistent highlight.

RajShekar's role, while not significantly impactful, potentially lays the groundwork for diverse roles in his future endeavors. The movie, while interspersed with numerous silly scenes, manages to salvage them within the context of comedy. It is, overall, a worthwhile one-time watch suitable for family audiences, promising an enjoyable experience.
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