Art or Mass
25 January 2024
The folklore of the beast.

(grandma narrating a mythical story)

Firstly, I contend that this film may not significantly impact the box office, primarily due to the preferences of the Malayali audience. While it's true that there has been a growing acceptance of art in cinema, those very individuals who appreciate artistic endeavors seem unwilling to forego the mass appeal and adrenaline-filled moments associated with their favorite actors, Mohanlal being a prominent example.

There is an expectation for something markedly different, but the audience often becomes fatigued and concludes that the film falls short of expectations. Some argue that watching an LJP movie is not everyone's cup of tea, and the notion that the major audience deems it as such is dismissed as an excuse to distance themselves from what they perceive as a subpar cinematic experience.

Personally, I attended the theatrical screening solely for one reason - LJP. Having previously admired his work, I was convinced that if anyone in the Malayalam film industry prioritizes art over commercial gains, it would be LJP. The collaboration with one of Mollywood's biggest stars, Mohanlal, intrigued me, and I was eager to witness how this pairing would fare.

To my delight, the usual rawness characteristic of LJP's films was notably absent in this production. He had undergone a transformation, evolving into something even more refined. The cinematic canvas presented by the film instilled in me a renewed sense of hope that Malayalis possess elements that Hollywood lacks. Rather than attempting to mimic, LJP crafted something distinctly his own - from the plot and characters to the narrative structure, underscored by a captivating background score and exceptional cinematography.

The film evoked a sensation similiar to the enchantment experienced during childhood when grandparents narrated mythical stories. The suspense, love, tragedy, and action encapsulated in the movie echoed the emotional resonance of those tales.

However, I must acknowledge a couple of setbacks: the dialogues, at times, felt artificial, disrupting the immersive environment the film was building. The frequent change in the style of the movie, changing from a static shot to an action disrupting the consistency. Additionally, the abundance of songs, while not inherently objectionable, risked veering towards a musical rather than maintaining the essence of an LJP film. They tried to convey many stories in a novel like fashion but it may make the viewer that something is lagging behind .

While further delving into the artistry without revealing the plot proves challenging, "Malaikotta Valiban" is certainly a folklore of the beast.
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