Not Crisis on Infinite Earths you know
25 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I grew up reading DC comics, and in my heyday of collecting, was reading about 30 different titles a month. During that time, one of the biggest DC Universe changes was a limited series titled Crisis on Infinite Earths. At the time, it had been determined the DC Universe was getting too big, so they created this storyline to help them make drastic changes across multiple storylines and compartmentalize the universe.

And it was AMAZING.

It was one of my favorite story lines, and when I heard about this Crisis on Infinite Earths movie trilogy, I was excited. But I clearly shouldn't have been.

After receiving & watching the first movie, I quickly realized, this is not my CoIE. It is a crisis based in the current animated movie timeline. And even the special features segment "Crisis Primer" basically says these 10 or so movies play into the connection and lead up to Crisis.

So without knowing this, although I've seen a few of them, I have not seen all of them, so Crisis makes absolutely no sense.

At least when the CW did their "version" of Crisis, it followed the basic premise of the original Comic series. But this, other than throwing in the Anti-matter wave and the Monitor, and a few select characters, it doesn't look like Crisis at all.

I'm going to try to watch the "prequel/primer" movies and see if my opinion changes, but right now, i'm pretty disappointed.
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