consolation prize
26 January 2024
This review is mainly for me, in case this in on TV again, I want to remind myself of what happened and what I thought of it.

My main thought is there's a lot of singing. Gary Mitchell is the big ticket in town during The Hour of Enrichment. His x-agent is trying to get Martha Gibson to move into that role, or any role really, so she sings a lot and nobody's particular fond of her.

She ends up liking Gary and when Gary is blackballed for making a fool of himself in a drunken stupor, Martha does take his spot during The Hour of Enrichment. Gary falls off the map. But Martha keeps writing, hoping he'll respond.

When her agent proposes, she says no, so he tracks down Gary and they end up performing together. Rather than gratitude, he's arrogant, only thinking of himself, doesn't thank anyone, and goes off to party with a group of worshippers.

This is the odd thing in the movie. Martha is asked to sing and while singing, I guess she discovers that she does want to be with Doug (the agent).

I feel like she settled, like Doug is the consolation prize. Not that I wanted her to end up with Gary, but there were no sparks with her and Doug. So that was a rather strange ending.

This is not a movie I'd care to see again.
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