Shallow and Misleading
27 January 2024
I just couldn't keep watching this boring stuff. Stopped at the end of ep2, it made me cringe. Dear Netflix executives (and others streaming platforms): this is why people like me are sick and tired of paying for this kind of "content".

--Shallow: I admit we start with the right foot: the host talks about his childhood, his curiosity for a topic that promises an intriguing theme: specific areas where people live beyond 100 years (i.e. Mortality and living longer). Alas his role becomes soon insufferable: he doesn't have a strong reason to embark on this journey (other than traveling it seems); he's preachy; there are no obstacles and all the doors are indeed open. It gets boring.

Now I didn't expect deep philosophical stuff about the pros and cons of living for many many many years, but come on: you are serving us a list of things you check off one item after another like you are grocery shopping.

And: you need physical activity to live longer? No stress? Eat your veggies? No ____ sherlock!

Now let's move to the bad stuff.

--Misleading the researchers left out major things in presenting their "findings". Stuff that you can realize by spending 30min reading about longevity:

genetics: not mentioned blood type: not mentioned quality of the air: not mentioned

then: animal protein: the real blue zones are all in areas that had direct access to meat and diary. Areas where the farmers owned the land and could eat meat and cheese. I know for a fact that in Sardinia they eat heaps of pork and lamb and cheese. I highly doubt that in Okinawa they didnt eat fish.

So: is this "documentary" meant to push the vegetarian diet?

Listening to the host saying "americans are fat" "americans sit down all day" was almost painful. If you don't show numbers, percentage, age groups etc etc it is propaganda, not statistics

but the pinnacle is the Loma Linda community in California! They dont even reach 100 years! So what's the point? It smells like product placement, to sell their memberships.
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