An Awful Waste of Your Time
27 January 2024
Saw this because I like Vincent Price. But this movie has to be the worst one he ever made. The music is screechy, ill-fitting and just awful. Price's dialog is often just repeating hackneyed old wise saying from China. There are anachronisms like a Tommy-gun way before it was invented. The rock bottom special effects just stink in so many scenes, like somebody falling to their death - but it just looks like a dummy thrown down to the ground - because it's so obvious that it is. Or the camera being sped up to make things move faster, and it shows - painfully.

The Asian-American actors here got stereotyped and substandard roles; it's good that some found better ones in later films, though not all. Ho's character could have been made so much deeper and more meaningful. It's unfortunate her talents were never really used.

Find a better film to watch - films should be enjoyed, not endured.
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