Valerie Harper's real-life husband is dating Mary Richards?!
28 January 2024
The casting of Mary's old boyfriend, Howard, is most unusual. This is because Richard Schaal was, at the time, the real life husband of Valerie Harper...'Rhoda'! This must have seemed a bit awkward...but at least they didn't have any hot and heavy scenes together...now THAT would have been awkward!

When the story begins, Mary, Phyllis and Rhoda are talking about getting Mary a date. Phyllis suggests Mary call an old ex-boyfriend, Howard, as they seemed to get along great. Rhoda suggests she invite Howard to a dinner party...and she'll find a date as well. Mary agrees but soon realizes after phoning him why they broke up...Howard is a bit of a putz. But it's worse for Rhoda...which you'll have to see for yourself.

This one sets the stage for many later episodes.... Mary throws disastrous dinner parties. This later became a hilarious theme but here it seems less funny and more just cringe-inducing and awkward. Overall, a good episode but one that so might dislike simply because it's so cringey. I like it...though I also like cringe.

By the way, this show also introduces one of the only things I disliked in early episodes. Rhoda calls herself fat...though Valerie Harper is super-skinny. This sends an awful message to women watching it.
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