So Boring My Soul Fell Asleep And Slipped Out of My Body
28 January 2024
I am a fan of Lovecraften horror, so I thought I'd give it a go even though it had a bad rating, and I wish I hadn't. Like how do you make Lovecraft's work boring?? How!? There's even lecture scenes were they just managed to make it even more boring, the delivery of the lines is just so flat.

This was mixed with periods of no dialogue over trippy scenes. Like why not edit parts of the lectures over these scenes? Rather than showing people also bored out of their minds?

There is no tension, no horror. The acting is terrible, the editing is atrocious. The plot is really weak. It's all round terrible. There is also a tentacle r*pe SCENE. Honestly it's not even funny bad, just boring.
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