Why bother?
29 January 2024
This movie really doesn't know what it wants to be. Is it a psychological thriller? Is it a disaster movie? Is it a wry comedy about the life of advantaged people? Is it a geopolitical allegory?

Honestly, it is none of these., Multiple stools and it falls between the lot of them.

There are two or three visually stunning scenes (the tanker, the leaflet plane), but the rest is frankly not very good. None of the characters convinces, the plot is by turns boring and ludicrous, and the characters' emotional process seems hard to believe.

It also falls down on believability time and again. Seriously, it'll probably be better if you don't bother to watch it.

I can't understand why the Obamas put their name to something whose main thrust seems to be to suggest that gun-owning and survivalism are the way to go - and/or having the money to build a beautifully-equipped armageddon bunker in your palatial house.
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